Caroline Danell
Caroline Danell is a specialist in dermatology at Diagnostiskt Centrum Hud Hötroget. Danell has a keen interest in the diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer. Gives advice on the treatment of all types of skin diseases such as acne, eczema, rashes, rosacea and psoriasis etc. Caroline has done her specialist training at Södersjukhuset and has conducted research at Karolinska Institutet with published articles in areas such as skin cancer and eczema and allergies.
During her specialist training, Caroline has had training at the Plastic Surgery Clinic at Karolinska Hospital. Caroline has also undergone training in, among other things, advanced
skin surgery at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine, La Jolla, USA and special training in skin cancer diagnostics at the University of Queensland, Australia.
Caroline attends annual courses and conferences to continuously update herself on the latest in both medical and aesthetic dermatology. Dr. Simberg Danell is a member of the Swedish Medical Association, the Swedish Society of Dermatovenereology (SSDV) and the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV).