We are a well-regarded clinic and have an ever-increasing influx of referrals and patients.
Do you run your own clinic and are you interested in becoming a part of Diagnostiskt Centrum Hud ?
We can offer you a way to continue to run your business while benefitting from
being part of a larger organization so that you and your colleagues can focus on your patients
and deliver the best care, accessibility and service.
Benefits of being a part of Diagnostiskt Centrum Hud include:
1. Increased patient flows through our agreements with regions and insurance companies
2. Medical and collegial exchange between physician colleagues in all our clinics
3. Further training, research projects, and DCH scholarships
4. Shared finance and IT systems and quality monitoring, to relieve
administration at the clinic
5. Synergies regarding e.g. purchasing and investing in digitalisation
6. Local and national marketing including a shared website
All our clinic managers are dermatologists themselves and run our clinics independently with support from us in the management team (and we are also dermatologists).
We can also help you if you want to start your own clinic, as part of Diagnostiskt Centrum Hud, in a city or region where we are not yet located.
If you are facing a generational transition in your clinic then we can help you by offering you a way to secure the value you have created and develop a clear succession plan.
If you are interested, please contact Magnus Jansson.
Email: magnus.jansson@dchud.se