The Diagnostic Center makes skin care in Västra Götaland more accessible!
We now also offer light therapy at our clinic at Apelbergsgatan 60 in Stockholm.
Diagnostiskt Centrum Hud are proud to offer Mohs Surgery at our clinic on Stampgatan.
This fall, it's time again for the annual Derm Summit scientific meeting!
Acne can lead to scarring if left untreated for a long time.
This is especially true for more severe forms such as boil acne, where scars can form quite quickly. Therefore, it is important to treat severe acne early.
More about the sun ☀️ In @nyhetsmorgon last Thursday, Petra Verga talked about myths about sunbathing & sun protection.
Dr. Petra Verga Kan gives tips and advice on sun protection in Svt 1, Morgon studion
From 2024-03-18 we will be able to offer medical light treatment UVB and UVA at our clinic in Sickla.
If you have any questions, please contact us via 1177 or telephone 08-515 11 500.
A warm welcome!
Dr Petra Kjellman, together with Dr Johanna Gillbro (Leg Pharmacist, PhD Experimental and Clinical Dermatology, author of Hudbibeln, co-founder of The Skinome Project) has started Sweden's first skin doctor podcast.
Here they talk about the skin – different skin conditions, skin care and much more, based on scientific facts as well as with their own insights.